
Hospitals in Kyiv region accept patients from Okhmatdyt and other victims of Russian attack - head of RMA

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Medical facilities in the Kyiv region have begun accepting patients from the Okhmatdyt Children's Hospital and other victims of the Russian missile attack: more than 430 beds have been deployed in 8 hospitals to provide the necessary treatment and assistance.

Medical institutions in Kyiv region have been accepting patients from Okhmatdyt and other victims since yesterday. This was reported on his Facebook page by the head of the Kyiv Regional Military Administration Ruslan Kravchenko, according to UNN.


"In fulfillment of the President's order, Kyiv region joined in to help the victims of yesterday's missile attack. Since yesterday, medical institutions of the region have started to receive the first patients from Okhmatdyt, as well as the wounded. At present, patients have been admitted to three regional medical institutions, including a hospital that provides medical care to oncology patients," Kravchenko said. 

In total, he said, 8 medical institutions of Kyiv region, both regional and district, are ready to receive young patients, adults and medical staff. More than 430 beds have been deployed. Everything is being done to help children receive the necessary treatment in time. 

The head of the Kyiv RMA noted that additional emergency medical teams are also on standby. If necessary, they will be able to transport Okhmatdyt patients to designated facilities in the region.

In addition, he added, medical institutions in the region are also ready to help with the medicines they have in stock. Both Ukrainian and international charitable organizations are also involved in the relief effort. 

"The whole world saw the children's hospital destroyed by Russian terrorists. Little patients, their parents and medical staff suffered. They hit the most vulnerable - sick children. Our task is to help those who need it as much as possible," emphasized Kravchenko. 

На території "Охматдиту" завершили аварійно-рятувальні роботи: двоє загиблих та 32 поранених09.07.24, 11:40

Julia Shramko



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