
He provided detailed information about the recent Russian shelling: Umerov talks to Pentagon chief

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Ukrainian Defense Minister Umerov discusses with Pentagon chief Austin the recent Russian missile attacks on Ukrainian cities and the need to increase air defense systems.

Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov had a conversation with Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin. They talked about recent Russian missile attacks on Ukrainian cities and the importance of increasing the number of air defense systems, UNN reports.

"Provided detailed information about recent Russian missile attacks on Ukrainian cities. He emphasized the importance of providing more air defense systems and missiles for them," Umerov said of his conversation with Austin.

Ukraine's Defense Minister thanked the Pentagon chief for his continued support.

Україна готова співінвестувати в оборонні технології Франції, аби напряму закуповувати французьку військову продукцію - Умєров29.03.24, 19:50


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