
Hacker attack on Kyivstar: experts of the State Special Communications Service are investigating the incident

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Kyivstar suffered a massive outage due to a hacker attack, the incident is now being investigated by the State Special Communications Service of Ukraine with the support of the CERT-UA team.

Specialists of the State Service for Special Communications and Information Protection are investigating the incident of a hacker attack on the network of Kyivstar mobile operator, which provoked a large-scale failure. This was reported to a UNN correspondent  by the State Special Communications Service.

It is too early to draw conclusions. The incident that caused a technical failure in the operator's work, which temporarily made communication and Internet access services unavailable, is being investigated by specialists of the relevant services,

the State Special Communications Service reported.

The service also added that, among others, specialists from the government's CERT-UA computer emergency response team are involved in this work.

As a reminder,

Kyivstar statedthat due to a technical failure in the network, there were problems with access to mobile communications and the Internet. Kyivstar explained the large-scale outage as a powerful hacker attack.

Vodafone also reported problems with the application, and the company claims to have received a large number of requests from Kyivstar subscribers.

SEE ALSO: Situation with Kyivstar: sources report searches in the company

Pavlo Bashynskyi

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