
First Test for Argentina's President: Opponents of Millay's Reforms Call for Protests in the City

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In Argentina, opponents of the new government's tough reforms called for protests in Buenos Aires. Earlier, the president introduced a package of reforms that includes a 50% devaluation of the peso and a reduction in subsidies.

Argentina's newly elected president, Javier Millay, is facing his first test - the first rallies are planned in Buenos Aires in response to a number of announced reforms. Earlier, the politician promised a tough response to pickets in the country. This was reported by UNN with reference to AP.


Millay, who came to power on the promise of radical reforms, announced  a 50 percent devaluation of the Argentine peso, cuts in energy and transportation subsidies, and the closure of some government ministries. Against this backdrop, the country is experiencing rapid growth in inflation and poverty.

Президент Аргентини після інавгурації скоротив кількість міністерств з 18 до 911.12.23, 07:15

In response, some labor and social groups called on Argentines to picket in the streets of the capital to protest these reforms.

At the same time, the newly appointed Minister of Security introduced a new "protocol" for maintaining public order that allows federal forces to clear streets of people blocking traffic without a court order.

In addition, the protocol authorizes the police to identify - through video or digital means - people who are protesting and obstructing public transportation routes.

Also recently , the Argentine government announced that people blocking streets could be excluded from public assistance lists if they are on them.

The preliminary new protocol is aimed at preventing blockades, especially in Buenos Aires, where regular protests often block streets for hours in so-called "pickets."


Some human rights activists have already stated that the protocol goes too far and criminalizes the right to protest. In particular, Argentine labor, social and human rights groups signed a petition asking the United Nations and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights to intervene against the new security protocol. 

The petition states that it is "incompatible with the right to free assembly and association, freedom of expression and social protest" recognized by the country's constitution.

Зеленський привітав Хав'єра Міллея з інавгурацією на посаду Президента Аргентини10.12.23, 23:45

Instead, Sandra Pettovello, head of the newly created Ministry of Human Capital, emphasized that the protesters themselves were restricting the rights of Argentines when they blocked traffic on the streets.

Protesting is a right, but so is the right of people to move freely in Argentina to get to their workplace

- emphasized Sandra Pettovello.

Meanwhile, representatives of an NGO headed by Eduardo Belliboni are calling on the Argentine population to come out to protest, as the Millet government is allegedly planning to go "against the right to protest."

People were called to protest in Buenos Aires, marching from Congress to the historic Plaza de Mayo.

The march will coincide with the 22nd anniversary of the protest against the government's handling of the economic crisis that killed dozens of people and led to the resignation of then-President Fernando de la Rua.


Argentina's new president, Javier Millay , introduced a significant austerity plan during his first week, including reducing the number of ministries and planning cuts in the public sector. 


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