
Expert on the call for the DGF to transfer collection vehicles to the front line instead of selling them at auction: a good initiative

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Volodymyr Tsybulko supports the call of Concorde Bank shareholders to the DGF to transfer armored cars to the military for evacuation rather than sell them at auction.

The initiative taken by the shareholders of the Concord bank, who called on the Deposit Guarantee Fund not to sell the collection car at auction but to give it to the military, needs support. This opinion was expressed in a commentary to UNN by political scientist Volodymyr Tsybulko.

"Yes, they can be used as evacuation mobiles. It's a good initiative, and it can be rolled out to other banks," the expert believes.

He proposed several scenarios for implementing such an initiative.

"If some banks have older cars, they can buy newer ones and give the old ones to volunteers to fix up and pass them on to the military. The second way is a conditional auction, because the cars still need to be customized to the needs of the military. Here, we can come up with some kind of ad hoc auction and sell them for one hryvnia to those funds that will fix them up and repair them for the needs of the army. This would be much more rational, because in principle, society does not have much trust in such an institution as the DGF, and such a procedure would remove all suspicions about the equipment and auctions, to whom and for how much they sell bank property," the political scientist believes.

He also added that Concorde's shareholders could turn to a volunteer foundation that could take a public initiative and apply to the DGF.

"And if there are very strict procedures, it is still possible to hold an ad hoc auction. A one-time procedure for the sale of such equipment. In general, we should think about how to transfer some of the equipment that has been hanging around in the Foundation to volunteer foundations so that they can repair it, fix it up and hand it over to the military. There are excavators there, too... We need to think about a one-time procedure, because there is no point in letting it rot for years," added Tsybulko.

The expert generally supports this initiative of the co-founders of Concord Bank.


Co-founder of Concord Bank Olena Sosiedka  appealed to the Deposit Guarantee Fund to not hold an auction for the sale of the bank's armored collection car, but to donate it to the military.

Concorde Bank has been under the management of the DGF since the NBU announced its decision to liquidate the bank. Currently, according to the Fund, the payment of the claims of the 9th priority of creditors (shareholders and related parties) is already underway - this is the last priority. At the time of the start of the liquidation procedure, the bank was profitable, and there was no need to sell assets to make all payments. However, the DGF decided to hold an auction for the sale of the bank's collection vehicle. The official website of the Guarantee Fund contains information on the auction for the sale of a light-tonnage cargo van - a Volkswagen Transporter (specialized with armored protection PCSA-3, year of manufacture - 2013) on January 3, 2024. The vehicle also comes with tires, load-bearing vests and protective plates belonging to Concord Bank.

"We are appealing to the Foundation to donate this vehicle to the military, because thanks to the armor, such vehicles are able to perform operations related to driving directly to the ground. For our team, charity is a way of life. We hope that the Foundation will listen to our request and take into account the needs of the military," wrote Olena Sosedka.

She also added that the bank's shareholders are ready to reduce the payments due to them by the amount of the car's value.

Lilia Podolyak



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