
EU summit will be very difficult, many discussions not only on the Ukrainian issue - MFA

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The EU summit will discuss five key issues related to Ukraine, such as EU membership negotiations and financial support, in an intense and creative diplomatic environment, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba said. The summit is expected to be difficult due to the legal and political complexities of the various issues.

The EU summit will be very difficult, as there will be a lot of discussions, and not only on the Ukrainian issue. There will be five important issues concerning Ukraine at the summit, including the opening of EU membership negotiations and the launch of a financial support fund. This was announced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba during a telethon on Tuesday, according to a correspondent of UNN .

The situation is not simple. The European summit will be very difficult. There will be a lot of discussions not only on the Ukrainian issue, and literally until the last minute the negotiations will continue, and we will work until the last minute at all levels, and I will tell you that such intensity of diplomacy as now has probably not been since the beginning of the full-scale invasion

, - said Kuleba.

According to him, the most creative solutions are being applied at all levels to ensure that the necessary decisions for Ukraine are made.

"Now, at all levels, the most creative solutions, the most stunning combinations are being played out, both open and closed, in order to ensure the adoption of decisions necessary for Ukraine," Kuleba said.

He emphasized that there will be five important issues regarding Ukraine at the EU summit.

"These are the issue of opening membership negotiations, the issue of launching a financial support fund for Ukraine, the issue of approving the amount of funding for the European Peace Fund, which finances weapons for Ukraine, the issue of the 12th EU sanctions package and the issue of establishing rules for handling frozen Russian assets," Kuleba said.

SEE ALSO: No country in EU against Ukraine's membership, Hungary for slower accession process - Kuleba

He noted that all these issues are complex from a legal and political point of view.

"Even from what has been said, it is clear that all the issues are complicated from a legal and political point of view. But this is only the Ukrainian block, and there is also the issue of expansion, the block of problematic issues of other countries," the minister said.

In addition, Kuleba said that no one will stop Ukraine's integration into the European Union.

That's why there is such a very serious mess here, I would even say borscht, because there are many different ingredients involved in this dish. You need to work very, very hard to get the desired result. But the main thing we need to know and remember is that no one can stop Ukraine's European integration... We will be there, the question now is how fast

- Kuleba said.

SEE ALSO: Von der Leyen expects EU budget revision to be discussed at summit: including support for Ukraine

Anna Murashko



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