
EU ministers to discuss Orban's visits and Budapest's statements behind closed doors - Borrell

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The EU Foreign Affairs Council will discuss Orban's visits to Moscow, Kyiv, and Beijing, as well as Hungary's statements. Borrell calls for more support for Ukraine and rejects accusations of pushing for war.

A closed-door meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs Council will discuss Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban's visits to Moscow, Kyiv and Beijing and Budapest's statements, EU diplomat Josep Borrell said on Monday upon arrival at the meeting, UNN reports.


According to the EU High Representative, the ministers of the bloc will discuss the war in Ukraine today, in particular, two main issues. "I will call the Member States to provide more support to rebuild and substitute the electricity grid [to ensure] more power generation. And the second one is air defence. (...) So, more air defence and more electricity generation capacity. These are the two calls the Member States will have to look at," he said. 

We will listen to Minister [for Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Dmytro] Kuleba. Then, I will call for a restricted session – Ministers only – in order to discuss what has happened during the last weeks from the visits to Moscow, to Kyiv and to Beijing , from Prime Minister [of Hungary, Viktor] Orbán, [to] the speeches at the United Nations Security Council [by] his Foreign Minister [Péter Szijjártó], accusing the European Union to be the Union that pushes for war

- Borrell emphasized.

Borrell emphasized that "this is completely unacceptable." "The European Union is supporting Ukraine and willing to finish this war on the basis of the United Nations Charter. We will discuss about how Member States evaluate this position by a country which is, at the same time, at the rotating presidency of the [Council of] the European Union," the EU diplomat said

"The European Union is not pushing for war; it is not in the war side; it is in the war defending Ukraine in front of an aggression," Borrell emphasized.

Орбан пообіцяв продовжити "мирну місію" попри критику ЄС19.07.24, 15:02

Julia Shramko



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