
Enemy advances near Avdiivka - DeepState

 • 34190 переглядiв

According to DeepState data, as of midnight on March 22, the enemy advanced north of Tonenke near Avdiivka, UNN reports .


As of the beginning of the day on Friday, March 22, the map of hostilities in Ukraine looks like this.

Addendum [1

According to the General Staff, 67 combat engagements were sustained by Ukrainian defenders on Thursday. In particular, 24 Russian attacks were successfully repelled by our defenders in the Novopavlivka sector. This section of the frontline has been consistently the hottest over the past month.

На Лиманському напрямку ЗСУ зупинили масований штурм окупантів21.03.24, 01:30

Lilia Podolyak



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