
Educational hub for war-affected youth opened in Lviv

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An educational hub with classrooms, living quarters and recreational areas for young people from the war-affected areas of Ukraine has been opened in Lviv.

An educational hub for young people from the war-affected territories has been opened in Lviv. This was reported by the Ministry for Reintegration of the Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine, UNN reports.


An educational hub for young people from the territories affected by the full-scale invasion was opened in Lviv.

The new premises at the Urban Camp Lviv cultural and social center are equipped with everything necessary for classes and living.

The Education Hub has various areas, including educational spaces for lectures and workshops, living rooms for students, office space, and recreation areas with restrooms and showers.

In addition, the hub plans to hold Street Culture Camps, week-long free camps for young people aged 12 to 16. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities, such as parkour, breaking, hip-hop, graffiti, skateboarding, streetball, and others.

У деокупованому селі на Київщині, в якому окупанти зруйнували школу, відкрили освітній хаб05.12.23, 19:55


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