
Dozens of potential planets may be favorable for life: research by scientists

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Scientists have discovered 85 possible exoplanets with habitable temperatures. Sixty of these potential exoplanets are fresh finds.

Scientists have discovered 85 potential planets outside our solar system that may be favorable for life. This was reported by Sky News, UNN.


Astronomers have reportedly discovered 85 possible planets outside our solar system with temperatures that could be cool enough for life.

These exoplanets, similar in size to Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, were discovered using data from NASA's Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).

Usually, to detect an exoplanet in this way, you need to see at least three transits to determine how long it orbits its star.

However, in the new study, scientists considered systems that transit only twice, which means that the planets have a longer orbital period and allows for the discovery of exoplanets at lower temperatures.

Sixty of the 85 potential exoplanets are new discoveries, and 25 were discovered in the TESS data by independent research teams.

Нептун і Уран вперше показали у справжніх кольорах: обидві планети бірюзові06.01.24, 00:14

Tatiana Kraevskaya

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