
Destruction of maneuvering generation: Halushchenko named the goal of enemy strikes on the energy sector

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Due to Russian attacks on Ukraine's energy infrastructure, the system lost a significant amount of electricity production, but despite the attacks, the system has held up and is operating steadily.

As a result of Russian attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure, the system has lost a significant amount of electricity generation. This was announced by the Minister of Energy of Ukraine Herman Halushchenko at a meeting of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, UNN reports with reference to the Ministry of Energy.

"Since March 22, the energy system has been hit every day, and the strikes are the most severe even compared to 2022-2023. We have lost a significant amount of thermal and hydro generation. There are also attacks on electricity transmission facilities. The enemy has planned all the strikes to destroy the country's maneuverable generation," the head of the Ministry of Energy emphasized.

"However, despite all these attacks, the system has been maintained, it is balanced and is working steadily today," Galushchenko emphasized.

Галущенко про можливі весняно-літні блекаути: потрібно бути готовим до будь-якого сценарію12.04.24, 19:41

The Minister familiarized the Congress participants with the measures planned to restore and increase capacities.

"The fastest solution is to repair what is damaged. Our groups are already working in countries that have offered to use old similar equipment as a possible repair of the equipment," he said.

Міністр енергетики Галущенко не виключає підвищення тарифів на світло 06.04.24, 13:44

It is also planned to increase the capacity for electricity imports. In addition, projects to increase and scale up shunting capacities have begun.


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