
Cybersecurity in the EU: the text of the law on cyber solidarity has been agreed by the EU member states

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The Council of Permanent of the Council of Permanent Representatives of the EU Member States (COREPER) has agreed on a position on the Cyber Solidarity Act, which aims to strengthen the EU's solidarity and capabilities in in identifying, preparing for and responding to security threats and incidents in the digital in the digital sphere. This was reported by UNN with reference to the Council of the European Union.

To strengthen EU solidarity and capacity to detect, prepare for and respond to cybersecurity threats and incidents, representatives of the Member States (Coreper) have reached a common position on the so-called "cyber solidarity act," 

- informs Jose Luis Escriva, Minister of Digital Transformation of Spain, on the EU Council website.

In particular it is stated that the draft regulation aims to strengthen cooperation mechanisms, creating opportunities for greater EU resilience in responding to cyber threats.

By proposing this By proposing this regulation, the European Commission aimed to raise awareness of the threats to cybersecurity threats, strengthen the preparedness and protection of critical facilities and and essential services, such as hospitals and public services, from cyberattacks, and increase solidarity at the EU level.

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To quickly and and effective detection of major cyber threats, it is planned to create "European Cyber Shield" as a pan-European infrastructure consisting of consisting of national security operational centers and cross-border networks within the EU.  This system will control exchange of information on detecting and combating cyber threats.

It is also expected to launch of a mechanism for reviewing cybersecurity incidents - at the request of the Commission or national authorities, the EU cybersecurity agency (ENISA) will review certain cybersecurity incidents and provide a report with lessons learned and and recommendations.


Ukraine has established the The Tallinn Mechanism for Cybersecurity has been established along with 10 other countries to strengthen its cyber defense and resilience, as announced by Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. The group aims to coordinate with the EU and NATO and is open to new members.

READ ALSO: Revenge for Kyivstar has begun: Ukrainian hackers destroyed the IT infrastructure of "Rosvodokanal


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