
Changing trends: Ukrainians became more active in returning from abroad in July

 • 15225 переглядiв

In July, there was a predominance of Ukrainians returning to the country, unlike in June. Passenger traffic at the border increased to 110-120 thousand people per day on weekdays, compared to 80-90 thousand in the spring.

While in June, Ukrainians were more likely to leave the country, today, in July, on the contrary, the predominance of citizens returning from abroad was observed at the border, said  Andriy Demchenko, spokesman for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine , at a briefing on Wednesday, UNN reports.


"In June, there was a greater preference for leaving Ukraine - the beginning of the summer season, the vacation season, and people were more likely to travel outside of Ukraine. In July, there was a significant return of citizens to the country. Over the past day, the number of entry crossings by Ukrainian citizens was three thousand more. On Sunday - by 13 thousand people more," noted Demchenko.

In general, he said, passenger traffic is quite dynamic now.

"If in the spring months, for example, 80-90 thousand people could cross the border per day on weekdays, on weekends the passenger traffic could reach 100 thousand people per day on some days. Now, on weekdays, the number of people crossing the border is 110-120 thousand per day," said the SBGS spokesman.

Працівники ТЦК можуть бути присутні на прикордонних пунктах пропуску - ДПСУ17.07.24, 19:50


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