
British intelligence: on the eve of a new wave of mobilization, Russia is preparing to close the border for conscripts

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Russia is preparing a system to prevent potential conscripts from fleeing the country during the annual draft and any future mobilization by exchanging data between the Ministry of Defense and the Federal Security Service.

On the eve of a new wave of mobilization in Russia, Moscow is preparing for the need to "close" the border for its own citizens. This is stated in an intelligence report published by the British Ministry of Defense , UNN reports.


British analysts explain that the Russian government is implementing a system of information exchange between the Ministry of Defense and the Federal Security Service.

The system is expected to be fully operational by the fall conscription of 2024. This will allow data on potential conscripts to be transferred to the FSB  and prevent them from fleeing Russia.

росія збирається мобілізувати у 2024 році 400 тисяч осіб - ЗМІ16.02.24, 11:41

British intelligence emphasizes that Russia conducts two conscription campaigns every year, drafting more than 250,000 people a year.

The agency also reminded that after the announcement of partial mobilization in 2022, hundreds of thousands of Russians left the country.

Since most of the migrants at that time were concentrated among young and highly educated people, this had a negative effect on the labor market.

The introduction of this system is likely intended to prevent this from happening again on a smaller scale during the annual conscription cycle and in the event of a new wave of mobilization

- British intelligence said. 


British intelligence has found out that Russia is experiencing a shortage of labor due to the war in Ukraine, mobilization and emigration of part of the working population.

In this regard, the Russian parliament is considering amending labor laws to allow Russians to be relocated to regions where there is a shortage of workers.


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