
Borrell is "knocking on doors" in search of air defense for Ukraine: "Things are moving slowly"

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EU diplomat Josep Borrell calls on member states to provide Ukraine with anti-aircraft batteries, as Kyiv needs air defense to repel a Russian invasion.

The head of the European Union's diplomacy , Josep Borrell , said that he is "knocking on the doors" of EU member states to transfer anti-aircraft batteries to Ukraine. According to him, the process is moving slowly. He said this in an interview with La Monde, reports UNN


Borrell said that the fighting at the front is very intense. The breakthrough that Ukraine had hoped for has not happened. However, according to him, there is no sign of a Russian breakthrough at the moment. "The Russians are gaining the upper hand and gnawing off chunks of territory, suffering huge human losses," Borrell said. 

 "Russia does not need to win, it only needs not to lose. Ukraine, on the other hand, needs to win in order to repel the invasion. Demographically, the difference is huge, and there is a depletion effect in Ukraine. It is up to us to give her the opportunity to attack," Borrell said. 

He said that is why he convened the EU Foreign Affairs and Defense Council on April 22 to see how the EU "can meet Ukraine's needs for ammunition and, perhaps more urgently, for air defense equipment.

I'm knocking on the doors of member states to tell them that if they don't have anti-aircraft batteries, they should buy them. Things are moving slowly, but there are huge differences in contributions between member states

- the diplomat summarized. 


Earlier, Borrell said that Western armies have about 100 Patriot batteries , while Ukraine is asking for only seven of them. 

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba called on international partners to take extraordinary, bold steps and provide Ukraine with air defense systems, weapons and ammunition.


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