
Bodies of British billionaire Mike Lynch and his daughter found on sunken yacht in Italy - media

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Two more bodies were found in Sicily, at the site of the yacht crash. They are believed to be entrepreneur Mike Lynch and his 18-year-old daughter Hannah. This was reported to The Telegraph. by Salvo Cochina, Director General of Civil Protection of Sicily in Italy , UNN reports.


Divers are now trying to retrieve the bodies. They were found inside one of the ship's cabins between two mattresses.

On behalf of myself and my colleagues, I would like to express my deepest condolences to the families of the victims at this difficult time

- Kochina added .

The publication adds that on August 21 in the afternoon, diving teams transported the green bag with the body to the port of Porticello, where dozens of emergency workers were waiting.

Корабельна аварія на Сицилії: пошуки 6 зниклих відновлено після подолання завалів20.08.24, 13:14


These are the second and third victims of the shipwreck. The day before, the media reported that divers had found the body of Recaldo Thomas, the yacht's cook.

For reference

Mike Lynch was an adviser to two British prime ministers and co-founded Autonomy in 1996. He played a key role in creating software that allows you to extract useful information from unstructured sources such as phone calls, emails, and videos.

In 2006, he received the Order of the British Empire for services to entrepreneurship, and in 2011, he was appointed a member of Prime Minister David Cameron's Science and Technology Council. In 2008, he was admitted to the Royal Academy of Engineering, and in 2014, he was admitted to the Royal Society.


The Bayesian, a 56-meter British-flagged yacht, sank on Sunday night off the coast of Porticello, a coastal town about 15 kilometers east of Palermo. The yacht was carrying twelve passengers and ten crew members, mostly British.

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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