
Bad weather caused power outages in three regions of Ukraine

 • 20371 переглядiв

Due to unfavorable weather conditions, power outages occurred in Ternopil, Volyn and Khmelnytsky regions. Dozens of settlements and thousands of consumers were left without electricity.

The bad weather caused power outages in Ternopil, Volyn and Khmelnytsky regions, the Energy Ministry said on Thursday, UNN reports.

Due to bad weather, 50 settlements in Khmelnytsky, Volyn and Ternopil regions were cut off from electricity in the morning

- the Ministry of Energy reported.

Volyn region

Due to the bad weather, 16 settlements were cut off from electricity.

Ternopil region

Due to the passage of the storm front, 1.1 thousand subscribers in 6 settlements are left without power.

Khmelnytsky region

Due to unfavorable weather conditions, 28 settlements - 5.7 thousand consumers - are without power supply.

Споживання електрики на тлі спаду спеки знизилося, графіки відключень з 16 години - Укренерго25.07.24, 12:55


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