
A fire broke out in a high-rise building in Khmelnytsky: two children were rescued

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Two children were rescued during a fire in a high-rise building in Khmelnytsky.

The fire occurred in one of the high-rise buildings in Khmelnytskyi.  The rescuers saved three people, two of them children. This was reported by UNN with reference to the State Emergency Service. 


As noted, residents of the high-rise noticed smoke from the windows in one of the apartments on the fifth floor.

Rescuers brought three people out of the smoky upper floors, two of them children born in 2013 and 2015. They did not need medical care, the SES said.

The cause of the fire is under investigation.

На Львівщині горіла церква - ДСНС 23.03.24, 14:09


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