
6 houses and a camp swimming pool damaged in Khmelnytskyi due to Russian attack - RMA

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The enemy shelling in Khmelnytsky region damaged 6 residential buildings and a swimming pool of a children's camp, damaged windows and roofs, but there were no casualties.

As a result of today's attack by Russian troops in Khmelnytsky region, 6 private houses and a children's camp swimming pool were damaged, no casualties were reported, the Khmelnytsky RMA said on Friday, UNN reports.


"As a result of today's hostile attack, we have damaged 6 private residential buildings in the communities of the region and the swimming pool of a children's camp. Windows and roofs were damaged. The main thing is that there are no casualties," the Khmelnytsky RMA reported on Telegram. 

Через атаку рф є пошкодження енергоінфраструктури у 6 областях, є аварійні відключення - Шмигаль29.03.24, 09:58

Julia Shramko



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