
Zakarpattia region exposes another scheme of traveling abroad for fugitives in Simer village

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Two men were detained for organizing an illegal border crossing from Ukraine to Slovakia for USD 11,000, and administrative reports were drawn up against the potential border violators.

The organizers of an illegal transfer were detained in Zakarpattia. In exchange for $11,000, two men were promised help with crossing the border to Slovakia outside the official checkpoint. However, instead, the border violators received administrative reports, and their "tour operators" face criminal liability.  This was reported by the National Police of Ukraine, according to UNN.


According to investigators, according to the organizers of the clandestine route, the fugitives were first taken by taxi to the village of Simer, and from there they were escorted to Slovakia. Such a "ticket" cost $5,500 for one person. The money was paid after a successful border crossing.

The defendants involved a taxi driver in their criminal activities, who drove the "clients" to the border with Slovakia. Administrative reports were drawn up against two people who planned to illegally cross the border.

- the National Police reported.

One of the organizers, a 43-year-old resident of Uzhhorod district, was detained directly during the crossing attempt.

The second organizer, a 44-year-old local resident, was detained by police in Uzhhorod.

The two were served a notice of suspicion under Part 3 of Art. 332 (Illegal transportation of persons across the state border of Ukraine) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. 

The suspects were chosen as a preventive measure in the form of detention with the right to post UAH 181,680 and UAH 121,000 bail.

Намагалися перетнути кордон під прикриттям представників Червоного Хреста: на Закарпатті ухилянтам повідомили про підозру12.04.24, 09:45

The operation was conducted jointly with the Main Operational and Investigative Department of the Border Guard Detachment (Chop). Procedural supervision in the criminal proceedings is carried out by the Transcarpathian Specialized Prosecutor's Office in the field of defense of the Western region.


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