
We have opened a second front: rfc commander names reasons for military operation in russia

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russian volunteer units moved the fighting to russian territory, opening a second front and easing pressure on other parts of the front in Ukraine.

Thanks to the actions of russian volunteer units, the fighting was moved to the territory of russia. This was stated by the commander of the russian volunteer corps, Denis (White Rex) Nikitin, during a press conference, the video of which was published by My-Ukraine.


Nikitin noted that the limited military operation of the russian Armed Opposition Resistance Forces, which is currently taking place on the territory of the russian Federation, is an "unprecedented event.

In fact, what we can state now, and our enemy recognizes this, is that we have managed to open a second front, which is probably no exaggeration. We have been able to move full-scale military operations to the enemy's territory. Now the theater of war is not only the territory of Ukraine, but also the territory of the russian federation

- said Denis, commander of the russian Volunteer Corps.

Рейди на бєлгородську та курську області: РДК повідомив про нову партію полонених із числа зс рф16.03.24, 12:59

The RDC commander noted that due to these "serious changes," the expansion and extension of the contact line, it was possible to weaken the pressure of the Kremlin's military machine in other parts of the front. The front line has now stabilized.

Currently, we can say that the state border between Ukraine and russia has become a "full-fledged continuation of the front line" created by the forces of russian volunteer units

- Nikitin added.


Last week, the Volunteer Corps of russia announced the creation of a humanitarian corridor for the free exit of civilians and russian military from border settlements in the Kursk and Belgorod regions of russia due to the restriction of military operations in these areas.

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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