
Vinnytsia regional council promotes Groysman on community support for army - media

 • 33086 переглядiв

The Vinnytsia Regional Council promoted former Prime Minister Groysman's "humanitarian headquarters" by using logos on aid sent to the Ukrainian Armed Forces that was actually supported and possibly funded by local communities and utility workers.

The Vinnytsia Regional Council is promoting the so-called "humanitarian headquarters" of former Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman on the basis of the assistance provided by the region's communities to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This was reported by the local edition "Political Arena of Vinnytsia Region", UNN reported.


In particular, we are talking about the 14th bath and laundry complex that has already been transferred to the front line.

According to the journalists, the complex is rented with the logos of the humanitarian headquarters.

At the same time, the regional council admits that it was designed by engineers of a local utility company. The initiative to manufacture such complexes was supported by 14 communities in Vinnytsia Oblast. 

"If the initiative was supported by communities, and they financed it, should we thank the communities and residents of Vinnytsia Oblast? If they were designed and probably manufactured by municipal enterprises, should we thank the employees of the enterprises and the residents of Vinnytsia region? Then why, in this case, is every bath and laundry complex branded with the logos of Volodymyr Borysovych Groysman's volunteer structure?" , the publication writes.

READ ALSO: Ivasyuk family: party educators in Groysman's "humanitarian headquarters"

The publication also draws attention to the fact that the photo of the handover of the laundry complexes shows the head of the regional council and deputies who were elected from Groysman's party.

"Doesn't it seem to the staff of the regional council that they are deliberately misleading the residents of Vinnytsia region with such information messages? Are they exceeding their official powers by advertising a private political and volunteer structure that actually has nothing to do with this particular volunteer assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine?" notes "Political Arena of Vinnytsia Region".  


Recently, Groysman's so-called "humanitarian headquarters" got into a scandal again when it promoted the distribution of food packages for budgetary funds.


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