
Verkhovna Rada Committee Approves Draft Law on Elimination of CRAIL and Strengthening Control over Gambling

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The Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy has approved a draft law that provides for the liquidation of the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (CRGL) and strengthening of control over the gambling business.

At today's meeting, the Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy approved the draft law No. 9256-d "On Amendments to Certain Laws of Ukraine on the Organization and Conduct of Gambling and Lotteries."  It provides for the liquidation of the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (CRGL) and strengthening of control over the gambling business. This was reported by MP Yaroslav Zheleznyak, UNN reports.

"The committee approved 9256d on the liquidation of KRAIL and strengthening control over the gambling business. The whole committee unanimously voted for it," Zheleznyak wrote on Telegram.  

According to the MP, in addition to the liquidation of the CRAIL and the transfer of functions to the Ministry of Digital Transformation, there are other important things in the law: 

  • Restrictions on gambling advertising (including the inadmissibility of speculation on the topic of war and volunteering) and a ban on sponsorship;
  • Identifying additional tools to restrict visits to gambling facilities and participation in gambling for potentially vulnerable categories of the population during martial law;
  • improvement of gambling business control tools (control purchases, Internet monitoring);
  • establishing additional criteria for license revocation, improving the requirements for impeccable business reputation of officials of gambling organizers, establishing requirements for gambling service providers.

Zheleznyak also noted that all of this will work in practice only and only simultaneously with an effective fight against the shadow economy. "That is why we will introduce regulations to further limit financial gateways," the MP added." 


In February, the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Finance, Taxation and Customs Policy supported the government's draft law that proposes to liquidate the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (KRAIL).


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