
Up to 90-100 thousand people a day cross Ukrainian border on the eve of holidays - border guards

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Approximately 90-100 thousand people cross the Ukrainian border every day, with traffic evenly distributed between entry and exit, and more than 50% coming from the Polish border. Queues at the border have grown due to the increase in the number of crossings, especially at the main checkpoints.

Before the winter holidays, people started crossing the Ukrainian border more often. Currently, on average, about 90-100 thousand people cross the checkpoints per day. This was stated by the spokesman for the State Border Guard Service, Andriy Demchenko, during a telethon, UNN reports.

Currently, on average, 90-100 thousand people cross the border per day, 85% of whom are Ukrainian citizens. But we do not yet see a clear preference for entry or exit. In fact, the dynamics of border crossing fluctuates 50-50. On one day, more people may leave, on another day, more people may enter 

- Demchenko said.


According to the spokesperson, there has been an increase in passenger traffic over the past week. The number of women, children and the elderly traveling both to and from Ukraine is growing.

It remains the case that more than 50% of passenger traffic is accounted for by the border with Poland. Due to the increase in border crossings, queues of passenger cars have grown. This is noted at the largest checkpoints, including Rava-Ruska, Shehyni, Krakivets, and Hrushev.


The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine proposes to use the Transcarpathian section and the Slovak border to avoid queues when leaving Ukraine. 

READ MORE: Demchenko tells how many male drivers cross the border for international transportation

Anna Onishchenko



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