
Umerov reported on the results of a series of meetings with allied countries during the NATO summit

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During the NATO summit in Washington, Ukraine's Defense Minister Rustem Umerov discussed military assistance, security cooperation, air defense, fighter jets, ammunition supplies, and training opportunities with allies such as Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Canada.

Defense Minister Rustem Umerov spoke about the results of a series of bilateral meetings with allied countries at the highest level during the NATO Washington Summit, which he held together with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy as part of the Ukrainian delegation, UNN reports.

"Together with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the Ukrainian delegation held a number of bilateral meetings with allied countries at the highest level during the NATO Washington Summit," Umerov wrote on Facebook.

Mr. Umerov told us what exactly was discussed with international partners:

1. Luxembourg

We signed an agreement on security cooperation and long-term support. Luxembourg will continue to provide military assistance, support our European and Euro-Atlantic aspirations, and help protect and restore Ukraine's cultural heritage. Luxembourg has allocated 80 million euros for defense assistance this year and will continue to support Ukraine over the next decade. As a co-leader of the IT Coalition, the country will also provide training opportunities in the cyber domain.

Зосереджена на політичній та ціннісній взаємодії: Зеленський про безпекову угоду з Люксембургом10.07.24, 17:36

2. Netherlands

The Netherlands has allocated 300 million euros for F-16s for Ukraine. This is in addition to the 150 million euros already allocated to equip the aircraft. This will significantly strengthen the defense of our cities and enhance the capabilities of the Ukrainian Defense Forces in the air. The parties also discussed the development of Ukraine's defense industry and plans to train Ukrainian pilots.

Нідерланди виділяють додаткові 300 млн євро на закупівлю боєприпасів для F-1610.07.24, 19:26

3. Germany

We discussed the situation on the battlefield, the fight against Russian guided aerial bombs and reconnaissance drones. We are grateful to Germany for providing additional air defense systems.

4. United Kingdom

Negotiations are underway to expand support and strengthen cooperation in the military sphere. I am grateful to the new government for continuing the policy of providing military assistance to Ukraine. We are working on expanding the range of this assistance and strengthening it. Thank you for all the military and financial packages for our country. We discussed the practical implementation of the decision to allow the UK to use Storm Shadow missiles against military targets in Russia.

Україна може використовувати Storm Shadow для ударів на території рф - новий прем’єр Британії10.07.24, 11:48

5. Slovakia

We are grateful for your cooperation and willingness to support Ukraine. Specific results of the meeting will be announced later, including the prospects for joint projects in energy, border infrastructure, and humanitarian cooperation. We are grateful to Slovakia for supporting Ukraine's future membership in the EU.

6. Czech Republic

We are grateful to the Czech Republic for its initiative to deliver the first batch of ammunition to Ukraine. This is an important and timely assistance. We coordinated our positions before the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council, as well as meetings of the Air Defense Coalition and the Fighter Coalition. We also discussed the implementation of the Czech initiative to supply artillery ammunition to Ukraine and Ukraine's European and Euro-Atlantic integration.

Зеленський і президент Чехії обговорили чеську ініціативу щодо постачання артилерійських боєприпасів Україні 11.07.24, 05:58

7. Canada

We discussed important issues of support and cooperation with Canada. We are grateful for their continued assistance and contribution to the air defense and drone coalition. Canada has announced a new, additional package of military support for Ukraine worth 500 million Canadian dollars. This will strengthen our heroes on the battlefield. We discussed Ukraine's defense needs and coordinated cooperation within the fighter jet coalition. We also paid attention to the expansion of training missions for Ukrainian pilots and the possibility of additional training for our pilots on Canadian flight simulators.

Канада пообіцяла виділити 500 млн канадських доларів на військову допомогу Україні11.07.24, 04:41

Anna Murashko



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