
Ukrainian underground organizes a parallel system of medical care in the occupied territories - CNS

 • 93628 переглядiв

The occupied territories lack more than 3,000 doctors, and the entire health care system is reoriented to serve the occupation forces. Therefore, the Ukrainian underground must organize a parallel system of medical care.

In the temporarily In the temporarily occupied territories, there is a serious shortage of medical personnel personnel. This is reported by the Center for National Resistance, according to UNN.

According to preliminary estimates, the temporarily occupied territories lack more than three thousand of medical workers. There is also a shortage of  medicines. After all, the russians have completely reoriented the medical system in the TOT to serve the occupation forces

- the statement said.


It is clarified that civilians can receive qualified medical care only if they have all russian documents. According to the of the Civil Defense Center, such actions of the occupation forces and russian administrations require the the Ukrainian underground to organize a parallel system of medical care at home or in the premises of medical centers of institutions adapted for this purpose. У The National Emergency Center advises people to stock up on essential medicines and learn the basic rules of the basic rules of first aid.

READ MORE: They are looking for partisans: The National Resistance Center warns about the activation of russian special services in the occupied territories

Anastasia Ryabokon



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