
Ukraine and Poland discuss unblocking cargo transportation – Shmyhal

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Ukrainian Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal and Polish Foreign Minister Sikorski discussed ways to unblock Ukrainian cargo at the border, focusing on joint control to increase efficiency. They also discussed strengthening defense cooperation and the production of military equipment.

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal discussed with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland Radoslaw Sikorski on the issue of blocking Ukrainian cargo transportation at the border. What decisions Sikorski and Shmyhal came to in the course of the negotiations is reported by UNN with reference to the the telegram of the Ukrainian Prime Minister.

They discussed strengthening economic cooperation. We focused attention to the key issue: the unimpeded movement of goods across our common border is critical for the stability and border is critically important for Ukraine's resilience and fight against the Russian aggressor. We must develop a balanced solution that will benefit both countries.

- Shmyhal said.


The Ukrainian Prime Minister proposed to introduce joint control at checkpoints. According to Shmyhal, this should increase the the efficiency and effectiveness of their work.

At the meeting, Sikorsky and Shmyhal also discussed strengthening cooperation in the production and repair of military equipment.

We have the will and everything necessary to bring our defense cooperation to a new level. 

- Shmyhal said.

He also thanked Poland for support of Ukraine in the fight against Russian aggression and the aspirations of Ukraine's aspirations to join the EU. And he expressed hope  for building fruitful and constructive cooperation between the two countries in the future.

Глава МЗС Польщі заявив про підготовку візиту Туска до України22.12.23, 19:32


See you soon with Shmyhal, Radoslav Sikorsky held talks with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy. During these talks they discussed cooperation between Ukraine and Poland in the defense sector.

Tatiana Salganik



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