
Two wounded in Kyiv region due to Russian missile attack, damage caused by debris: prosecutors show the consequences

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On March 21, 2024, Russian missiles struck the Kyiv region, injuring two people and damaging private property, and fires broke out at the crash sites.

In Kyiv region, a massive missile attack by Russian troops this morning wounded two people and damaged private property, and fires broke out at the sites of the falling debris. This was reported by the Prosecutor General's Office on Thursday, UNN reports.


According to the investigation, on the morning of March 21, 2024, the Russian armed forces attacked the territory of Kyiv region with missiles.

"Two people received shrapnel wounds to their limbs and faces. Information about the victims is being clarified," the prosecutor's office said.

The debris from enemy air targets reportedly damaged private houses, outbuildings, and vehicles in several districts of the region.

Fires broke out at the sites of the debris impacts, which were localized by the State Emergency Service.

Pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings on violation of the laws and customs of war (Part 1 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) has been initiated.

Масована ракетна атака рф на Київ: у ДСНС показали наслідки21.03.24, 08:42


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