
Turkey asks U.S. to keep promises on F-16 sales - Reuters

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Turkey's foreign minister urged the US to fulfill its promise to sell F-16 fighter jets

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan told his U.S. counterpart Anthony Blinken in a telephone conversation on Wednesday that Turkey expects the United States to act in line with its NATO alliance and fulfill its promises to sell F-16 fighter jets to Ankara. This was reported by Reuters, citing a Turkish diplomatic source, writes UNN.

The call was at the request of the U.S. side, a day after Turkey's parliamentary commission voted to approve Sweden's application for NATO membership, the source added. The general assembly of the country's parliament must also approve the application for ratification.

"Fidan said that regarding the F-16 sale, we expect the US administration and the US Congress to act in accordance with the spirit of the alliance and keep the promises made," the source said.

Комитет парламента Турции одобрил присоединение Швеции к НАТО26.12.2023, 19:21

Julia Shramko

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