
"To show the whole world what a tragedy Russia is." Lubinets urges foreign media to talk about the war in Ukraine

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Dmytro Lubinets, Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights, emphasized that the main mission of journalists in Ukraine is to show the world the tragedy caused by Russian aggression, citing statistics on the dangers faced by media workers covering the war, including killings, detentions and violations of their rights by Russia.

The mission of journalists in Ukraine is to show the world what a tragedy Russia is. This was emphasized by the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets in his speech to foreign journalists, UNN reports.

"The easiest thing is not to be indifferent" - these are the words of Nariman Dzhelal, the first deputy chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people. That is why we want to say to millions of people: "Do not be indifferent!".

- Lubinets wrote.


Lubinets said that he made such statements at the Forum on Fundamental Rights within the framework of the thematic direction "From Destruction to Empowerment: Protecting Democracy and Civil Space in Europe." 

I had the opportunity to communicate with foreign journalists: to address them and tell them about what journalism is like in Ukraine today, how our institution protects the rights of media representatives and how they are violated by Russia. 

Lubinets noted that today the main mission of journalists in Ukraine is to show the world what a tragedy Russia is, and cited statistics on the danger to which media workers who tell the truth about the war in Ukraine are exposed.

1. Since 2014, Russia has killed at least 80 media workers, 16 of whom were killed while performing their professional duties. Some were killed in their own homes due to Russian shelling of civilian infrastructure.

2. In the TOT of Ukraine, Russians detain journalists for calling a spade a spade. At least 26 media professionals are currently being illegally held in Russian captivity.

російського журналіста хочуть засудити до 8 років ув'язнення за "фейки" про вбивства в Бучі02.03.24, 07:22

Lubinets emphasized that Ukraine's main challenge today is how to protect the rights of people, including journalists, in the face of aggression. Therefore, the Ukrainian Ombudsman appealed to the audience to: 

1. Increase political and diplomatic pressure on Russia to return illegally detained journalists.

2. Condemn Russia's encroachment on independent journalism in the TOT of Ukraine, including the murders, kidnappings, arbitrary arrests, torture and persecution of journalists.

3. Bring to justice all those responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity on the territory of Ukraine, including those against journalists.

Finally, Lubinets suggested that the participants jointly create a document at this meeting that would help with the above goals. He also called on people to come to Ukraine to show the world the truth about Russian aggression.

Лубінець закликав іноземні ЗМІ не висвітлювати псевдовибори на окупованих територіях України09.03.24, 18:38

Tatiana Salganik



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