
Three men steal UPA flag from flagpole in Chernivtsi - police

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On the night of July 29-30, three 23-year-old Chernivtsi residents stole a UPA flag from a flagpole on Skald Street. The police quickly identified the offenders and seized material evidence.

At night in Chernivtsi, unknown persons stole a UPA flag from a flagpole on a building, and they were found, the Chernivtsi regional police reported on Tuesday, UNN reports.


"While monitoring social media, police officers found a post saying that three unidentified persons had stolen a UPA flag from a flagpole in Chernivtsi on the night of July 29-30," the police said.

It is noted that this is a building on Skald Street.

Law enforcement officers conducted urgent search operations at the scene and quickly identified the offenders in hot pursuit, the police said.

"They were three local residents aged 23. The police seized material evidence of the Chernivtsi residents' involvement in the illegal actions," the statement said.

This fact was registered in the URPTI under Part 1 of Art. 296 (Hooliganism) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Чоловікові повідомили про підозру за хуліганство напідпитку біля Меморіалу Героїв у Кривому Розі16.04.24, 12:59


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