
There is no electricity shortage, Ukraine has accepted surplus electricity from Poland - Ministry of Energy

 • 30347 переглядiв

There is no shortage of electricity in Ukraine, electricity was accepted at Poland's request due to surplus

There is no shortage of electricity in Ukraine today, Ukraine has accepted electricity at Poland's request due to surpluses in the country, the Energy Ministry said on Monday, UNN reported.

Generation and consumption

"There is no shortage of electricity. Consumers' needs are covered by domestic generation, and commercial electricity imports are also planned," Minenergo said. 

As indicated, a TPP unit was put back into operation after short-term repairs, while another TPP unit was put into emergency repair. Also on this day, at the request of the Polish side, which had surplus electricity, Ukraine accepted 3050 MWh of electricity. 

"The situation is under control. No blackout schedules are applied," the ministry said.

Consequences of shelling.

The shelling reportedly de-energized a 110 kV power line in Donetsk region. As a result, two mines are without power, and 5 workers were brought to the surface. Household consumers in the satellite town are also without power. 


"The water level in the cooling pond remains stable at 15.64 meters. This is enough to meet the needs of the plant," the Ministry of Energy said.


Electricity imports yesterday, as indicated, amounted to 18,787 MWh. There were no exports.

Julia Shramko



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