
The United States will deploy almost fifty F-35A fighters in Japan for the first time

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For the first time, Washington has decided to redeploy 48 of the latest F-35A stealth fighters to Misawa Air Base in Japan's northeastern Aomori Prefecture. This was reported by UNN with reference to Kyodo.


The Pentagon said that against the backdrop of new security challenges posed by China, North Korea and Russia, the modernization of US tactical aviation will be carried out in close coordination with the Japanese government over the next few years.

The US Department of Defense emphasized that this step is part of efforts to further strengthen the US-Japan alliance and promote stability in the Indo-Pacific region.

Японія, Південна Корея та Китай домовилися продовжити денуклеаризацію Північної Кореї27.05.24, 17:53


The F-35As, known as fifth-generation radar-evading fighters, will replace the F-16s that will be redeployed to Kadena Air Base in Japan's southern prefecture Okinawa to replace the decommissioned F-15s of the previous series.


The United States, South Korea, and Japan condemned the deepening military cooperation between North Korea and Russia. They emphasized that North Korea's arms shipments to Russia violate UN resolutions, threaten stability in northeast Asia and Europe, and prolong the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

Volodymyr Omelchenko

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