
the Russians are advancing in three eastern directions: the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are stormed by detachments of prisoners and military penal guards – Sirsky

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The Russian military continues to advance in eastern Ukraine, using Stormz and Storm v units, which are formed from prisoners and military penal guards. Alexander Syrsky talks in detail about the current situation at the front

Russian the military continues to advance in the east of Ukraine. storm z and Storm v units, which are made up of prisoners and military personnel penalty takers. The current situation at the front was described by the commander of the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Alexander Sirsky, reports UNN.

For storming Ukrainian positions in all directions by Russian invaders continue to use the storm z and Storm v divisions, which are formed from prisoners and military penal officers.

Alexander Syrsky


According to the latest data of the commander of the ground forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine:

In Kupyansky direction, the enemy is trying to reach the populated area point Sinkovka, Kharkiv region. The Russians want to continue in this way its offensive on the city of Kupyansk. However, our The Defenders repel all attempts of the invaders to break through in this direction.

In the Limansky direction, the enemy collects reserves and conducts regroup to prepare for further attacking actions.

Heavy fighting continues near Bakhmut. There the invaders are trying to knock out Ukrainian defenders from positions in the area of Klishchievka. The Defense Forces hold defense and cause heavy losses to Russian troops, both in equipment and in manpower.

In addition, according to Sirsky, since the beginning of the month, the fighters the operational and strategic group of troops "Khortytsia" eliminated more than six of them half a thousand Russian occupiers. Along the way destroyed or disabled about eight hundred units of military equipment of the invaders. In particular, 79 tanks, 136 units armored vehicles and 170 different types of enemy artillery.

Tatiana Salganik



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