
The revenues of the general fund of the state budget for the first six months of the year were exceeded by almost 20%

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The revenues of the general fund of the state budget for the first half of 2024 amounted to UAH 913.4 billion, which is 18.8% more than planned. General fund expenditures amounted to UAH 1.54 trillion, which is 11% less than planned.

The revenues of the general fund of the state budget for the first half of 2024 were overperformed by 18.8%. The total amount is UAH 913.4 billion. This was stated by the Chairman of the Accounting Chamber Olha Pishchanska, reports UNN.


Pishchanska explained that currently the Accounting Chamber is preparing conclusions on the results of the analysis of the implementation of the law on the State Budget for 2024 in the first half of the year. However, some figures are already known.

- the revenues of the general fund of the state budget for the first half of 2024 were exceeded by 18.8%. In total - UAH 913.4 billion;
- expenditures of the general fund of the state budget in the first half of 2024 were 11% less than planned - UAH 1 trillion 544.6 billion

- says the Chairman of the Accounting Chamber.

Марченко розповів, де візьмуть 500 млрд грн для видатків на оборону: 140 млрд перекриє збільшення податків22.07.24, 16:42

Of these expenditures, the largest were the following:

  • The Ministry of Defense received UAH 669.8 billion;
  • The Ministry of Social Policy - UAH 221.4 billion;
  • The Ministry of Internal Affairs - UAH 180.2 billion, etc.

As for the public debt, it increased by 13% to UAH 5.9 trillion in January-June.

As for the public debt, it increased by 13% to UAH 5.9 trillion between January and June. Its repayment and servicing costs amounted to UAH 392 billion, or 22% of all general fund expenditures (this is taking into account the deferral of payments on Eurobonds in effect until August) 

- said the Chairman of the Accounting Chamber. 

According to her, the Accounting Chamber will adopt its conclusions on the results of the analysis of the implementation of the law on the State Budget for 2024 in the first half of the year at the end of August. Currently, only the main figures are available. 


The Cabinet of Ministers has approved a draft law to increase spending in the 2024 state budget by UAH 500 billion, mainly on defense, as well as changes to increase taxes, which is expected to bring in UAH 140 billion.


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