
The results of the visit of the special representative of the Chinese government were summarized: Yermak met with Chinese Ambassador to Ukraine

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Andriy Yermak met with Chinese Ambassador Fan Xianzhong to discuss cooperation on a formula for peace for Ukraine and preparations for the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland.

Head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak met with Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Ukraine Fan Xianzhong, UNN reports with reference to the OP.


The interlocutors summarized the visit to Ukraine of the Chinese delegation headed by Li Hui, the Chinese government's special representative for Eurasia, which took place last week.

In continuation of the dialogue, Yermak and Xianzhong outlined areas for further cooperation, in particular on issues contained in the points of the Ukrainian peace formula.

The Head of the President's Office informed about the preparation of the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland at the level of state leaders.

Yermak thanked the Chinese side for its interest in achieving a just peace for Ukraine.

Китай може допомогти у поверненні депортованих рф українців - Лубінець 08.03.24, 13:06

Antonina Tumanova



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