
"The only viable replacement for Biden": support for Kamala Harris in the US Democratic Party is growing in focus for the upcoming election

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After the failure of the incumbent U.S. president in a televised duel with Trump, talk is growing among Democrats that Vice President Kamala Harris is able to effectively replace Joe Biden, if he does withdraw from the race. UNN writes with reference to The Wall Street Journal.


As President Biden struggles with the fallout from his failed debate with Republican nominee Donald Trump, there is a growing assertion in the Democratic camp - publicly and privately - that Vice President Kamala Harris could be a worthy replacement should Biden decide to step down.

Recent polling also shows independent voters favoring Harris.


Kamala Harris, the first African-American and Asian woman to serve as Vice President of the United States; former U.S. Senator and California Attorney General; she could become the first woman to serve as President of the United States if she is nominated by the Democratic Party and wins the November 5 election.

Harris's tenure in the White House has been characterized by slow building of the policy portfolio, turnover of personnel; the press recalls decisions regarding migration from Central America, which are considered to have had little success.

In a sign that immigration is becoming a growing political headache for Democrats, Harris has begun leading the administration's tougher rhetoric designed to discourage migrants from crossing the southern U.S. border illegally.

It also presented policies to address the root causes of migration, but it struggled to distance itself from policies related to the influx of migrants at the border, which was not part of its mandate. - writes the Wall Street Journal.

Бизнесмены и спонсоры демократов призвали Байдена выйти из президентской гонки - WP05.07.2024, 20:11

Harris played a key role in building a coalition around the issue of voting rights protections. This is believed to have been a priority for Democrats and the Biden administration when he took office. But efforts to pass legislation were stalled early on when several moderate Democrats (Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona) refused to support loosening the rules that would have allowed election reform bills to pass with a simple majority vote.

"We're not going to give up. This is literally about the future of our country in terms of its democracy," Harris said at the time.

She has been a very visible and active defender of this administration (...) a loyal Democrat. I think the question is whether the Democratic Party will be loyal to the women and blacks who have been loyal to them that she symbolizes

- said civil rights leader Democrat Al Sharpton.

Can Kamala Harris beat Trump in November's presidential election?

Recent polls show Harris could outperform Biden in a runoff election against Trump, though she will face stiff competition.

A CNN poll released July 2 showed voters favoring Trump over Biden by 6 percentage points. But there are also measurements showing Harris also ahead of Trump, 47 percent to 45 percent.

Her performance as vice president has improved markedly over the past two years

- Says Jamal Simmons, Harris' former director of public relations. 

The Vice President has held numerous events focused on defending reproductive rights, often using her platform to attack Republican efforts to restrict access to abortion through the courts and state legislatures. 

Biden has also emphasized the issue at campaign events around the country, but has been somewhat more reluctant about the topic.

В США опасаются введения новых санкций против рф ввиду выборов и кампании Байдена08.07.2024, 10:02

Harris in turn often spoke of women's suffering in a deeply personal and intuitive tone, recalling her encounters with those who were not allowed to go to the emergency room and who had miscarried.

It's a health care crisis, and we all know who to blame: Donald Trump

- said Harris last month, marking the second anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, at a campaign event in College Park, Md.

The vice president has made more than 60 trips to 20 states since January, according to Harris' office. Harris is set to travel to New Orleans, Las Vegas, Dallas and Indianapolis next week as part of her direct outreach to key populations that include black Americans, women and young people, her office said.

Байден после неудачных дебатов отстает от Трампа в опросе Bloomberg лишь на 2%07.07.2024, 07:51

Ihor Telezhnikov

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