
The NBU published the ten of the most successful financial companies in currency exchange

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The NBU published the ten of the most successful financial companies in currency exchange.

The National Bank of Ukraine has published data on the financial results of the largest companies licensed by the regulator to ensure currency exchange.

As reports the Minfin Media, to which the National Bank provided these data for publication, the companies demonstrate notable growth in financial results, which confirms their successful operation and effective financial management.

CHART. Ten of the largest financial companies in currency exchange by financial result (data provided in UAH million)

According to the official data of the Regulator, "Alfa-Invest Group" topped the rating with a financial result amounting to UAH 189.4 million in 2023, demonstrating growth dynamics of 2964.7% compared to 2022.

The second place was taken by "Liberty Finance", which is part of the "KYT Group", with a financial result amounting to UAH 153.9 million in 2023. The growth dynamics of the company`s corresponding indicator is 8402.8%, which testifies to its development rate.

 "Ukrainian Financial Group" closes the top three with a financial result amounting to UAH 113.3 million in 2023 and a growth rate of 8483.3%.

As the Minfin Media reports, according to the NBU assessment, the rapid indicators growth of legitimate financial companies in currency exchange is facilitated by the cleansing and improvement of this segment of the financial market, which includes the driving out gray and shadow operators from the market. As a result, currency exchange companies licensed by the National Bank are expanding their market share. Its largest players, which demonstrate the best financial results, are also leaders in terms of assets amount and the largest taxpayers in their segment of the financial market.

For example, "Alfa-Invest Group" and "Liberty Finance" are among the top three in terms of assets amount, demonstrating sustainable growth and a substantial contribution to the state budget. According to the NBU, "Alfa-Invest Group" paid UAH 42.3 million in taxes, while "Liberty Finance" paid UAH 33.8 million.


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