
The IAEA is concerned about the growth of attacks near the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant

 • 38326 переглядiв

IAEA experts in Ukraine report military activity near the Khmelnitsky NPP, highlighting its vulnerability along with other nuclear facilities due to ongoing military operations. There was no direct damage to the station, but the incidents highlight the nuclear threat in the context of the conflict.

Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), based in Ukraine, reported military activity during the night, which she once again stressed the potential nuclear threat during an armed conflict, and did not only at the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant. This was stated by the general director Rafael Mariano Grossi, reports UNN.


It is noted that in the west of Ukraine, the IAEA group, which monitors the situation at the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant (NPP), she reported that late last night, while in her premises, she heard several explosions nearby that lasted 20 minutes.

Although the station was not directly affected, the incident occurred showed that all nuclear power plants in Ukraine remain under threat, while the war continues.

Read also: at the Rivne NPP-new rotation of the IAEA mission

Much of the world's attention-and rightly so – is focused on the whole the real dangers faced by the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant, which it is of particular concern because it is located on the front line. But yesterday's event serves as a reminder that we must not forget about others nuclear facilities in Ukraine that are also potentially exposed to missile and other weapons atacam

CEO Grossi said.

He stressed that all nuclear facilities in Ukraine remain vulnerable, either directly if hit by a missile, or indirectly if their external power supply is disrupted. Throughout Ukraine continues, the extremely unstable situation with nuclear security remains, Grossi stressed.


At ZAES today, the team also reported a warning about the air raid on the site, which lasted about ten minutes in the afternoon. The team did not hear a single impact during the air raid warning. Over the past 24 hours, the IAEA team has continued to hear the sounds of explosions on some distance from the station. 

Ft other Ukrainian nuclear facilities where the IAEA has permanent teams – Rivne NPP, South Ukrainian NPP and Chernobyl Nuclear power plants-the IAEA teams did not report any military actions.

Lilia Podolyak



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