
The government is preparing an updated procedure for booking employees liable for military service

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The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine is preparing proposals on the procedure for booking military personnel. This was reported by UNN with reference to the European Business Association.


It is noted that  yesterday, December 21, business representatives met with Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine Ihor Fomenko to discuss the issue of employee booking and the updated booking procedure.

Кабінет міністрів змінив порядок бронювання держслужбовців та працівників підприємств31.01.23, 04:27 • [views_1155285]

Currently, the updated procedure has not yet been agreed upon, but they assure that as soon as it and its individual elements (mobilization, booking, military leave, etc.) are agreed upon, the details will be announced. 

The main idea of the changes is to change the approach to booking - to make it more understandable and transparent.

At the same time, there are developments on e-bookings that have already been sent for approval. This is an experimental system with a project duration of two years. Along with this, paper reservations will also work. 

In the context of the current reservation system, several aspects were noted during the meeting. Thus, it was said that:

- up to 50% of those liable for military service can be booked;

- those with inaccuracies in their data (i.e., requiring clarification) are booked for a month, and those with everything in order are booked for six months;

- If a person is not registered with the military, they cannot be booked;

- a reservation is granted to an enterprise for as long as it is considered critical, this status is granted for one year;

- when the enterprise extends its criticality status, then rebooking occurs;

However, notes that the Ministry of Defense proposed to coordinate the lists of persons liable for military service with the MCC, but the Ministry of Economy did not support this idea.


Система "Оберіг": Фітьо пояснив, як вона дозволить зменшити корупцію з боку призовників та ТЦК21.12.23, 13:38

A representative of the Ministry of Economy also told business representatives that the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Digital Transformation are now "throwing all their efforts" into entering information into the Unified Electronic Register of Persons Liable for Military Service, Oberig. In the future, it will be possible to check one's military registration data there with limited access.


The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has amended the procedure for reserving persons liable for military service according to the relevant list during martial law.

In particular, the list of areas whose employees can be booked has been expanded and the terms for consideration of applications from enterprises to determine them as critical have been established. 

The Economist: Україна намагається розв'язати питання мобілізації, на Київ чекають важкі рішення18.12.23, 12:50

Volodymyr Omelchenko



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