
The beginning of the week in Ukraine will be rainy, with thunderstorms in the south - Ukrhydrometeorological Center

 • 49105 переглядiв

On Monday, most of Ukraine will have cloudy weather with rains and thunderstorms, except for the northern and eastern regions.

The beginning of next Sunday in Ukraine will be cloudy and rainy. This is reported by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, UNN reports.


The weather in most regions of Ukraine is expected to be cloudy with clearings. Throughout Ukraine, except for the northern part and eastern regions, it will rain, with thunderstorms in the south of the country in some places during the day.

West, southwest wind, 7-12 m/s, at night in Ukraine, except in the west and south, in some places gusts of 15-20 m/s.

The temperature in the western regions will be 1-6° C at night, 0-3° frost on the soil surface, 6-11° C during the day; in the rest of the country at night 3-8° C, 10-15° during the day, and 14-19° in the southeastern part. In the highlands of the Carpathians, no precipitation at night, sleet during the day; temperatures at night and during the day will be around 0°.

Киян попереджають про дощ та значні пориви вітру до кінця дня21.04.24, 08:18


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