
The article has the right to exist: Op-Ed on Johnson's column describing how Trump could "save Ukraine"

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The deputy head of the OP commented on Boris Johnson's article about Trump's possible plan for Ukraine. He emphasized that Ukraine's position on territorial integrity remains unchanged.

The article by former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson, in which he describes how, in his opinion, US presidential candidate Donald Trump could "save Ukraine," has the right to exist, it is an expert opinion of a particular person. Deputy Head of the Presidential Office Ihor Zhovkva told journalists about this, according to a correspondent of UNN.

We don't know anything about Johnson's plan. Everyone has read the article, it's Johnson's article, he has the right to write such articles. The position of Ukraine remains unchanged, you have heard the President repeatedly and it does not change - there will be no sacrifice or giving up part of the territory of Ukraine. The President has repeatedly commented on what Ukraine wants. Therefore, the position does not change, and the article has the right to exist, an expert opinion of a particular person,

- Zhovkva said.


Boris Johnson expressed confidence in Trump's strong support for Ukraine and defense of democracy. He said this after meeting with Trump.

Later, after his meeting with Trump, Johnson wrote an article for the Daily Mail in which he expressed his belief that if he won the presidency, he "can save Ukraine and bring peace" and described how.

Johnson expressed his belief that Trump can put an end to this - on the right terms for Ukraine and the West. "I emphasize that I cannot be sure what he will do if elected. But this is what he could do," Johnson wrote.

For example, Johnson believesthat Trump could end the bureaucratic confusion and red tape, give the Ukrainians the authorization they need to strike targets in Russia, and then, once Putin is pushed back, offer a deal.

Putin will have to retreat to at least the pre-invasion borders in 2022, and to avoid future conflicts and uncertainty, the rest of Ukraine will have to be recognized as a free country, able to choose its own destiny within the EU and NATO and absolutely ready for early accession,

- Johnson wrote.

Anna Murashko



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