
The amount of violations reaches more than UAH 21 million: in Gostomel community, more than 100 damaged houses have not been restored by contractors

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More than 100 houses in Gostomel, Kyiv region, remain unrepaired due to contractor fraud, and an audit revealed violations worth more than UAH 21 million.


Basalaeva said that the amount of violations found during the audit of the Gostomel settlement military administration for the period of 2022 and 2023 reaches more than UAH 21 million.

"Residents of the Gostomel community, which was one of the first to take the enemy's attack, are outraged that significant funds are spent on the restoration of their homes, but the work was either not performed at all or only partially. Unfortunately, such cases have been confirmed," Basalaeva said.

According to her,  funds were allocated for the reconstruction, and the contractors quickly used them, "forgetting" to fulfill their main obligations - to repair or rebuild the destroyed houses. SEE ALSO

: Kyiv Regional Military Administration Introduces Video Monitoring of the Reconstruction of Destroyed Houses

"At a time when the state is trying to help residents of the affected communities by allocating significant amounts of money from the state budget to purchase construction materials to restore damaged housing, the former head of the Gostomel Military Administration, having received these materials worth almost UAH 11 million from the Kyiv Regional Administration, simply appropriated them," Basalaeva said.

In addition, auditors at one of the municipal enterprises of the Gostomel village council found a shortage of charitable aid (construction materials) totaling UAH 1.2 million.

 The head of the State Audit Service also gave examples of actions of unscrupulous contractors who were allocated budget funds for reconstruction work, but did not fulfill them or did not fulfill them completely. In particular, this happened to houses in the villages of Moshchun and Gostomel. The roof was supposed to be restored on one house, and broken windows were supposed to be replaced in the other - according to the documents, the work was completed and paid for - but in reality, residents were left without the announced repairs. Almost UAH 0.5 million was allocated from the city budget for these two objects alone. Instead, the Gostomel military administration replaced the windows in the buildings of some developers in full for UAH 2.9 million, despite the fact that people do not live there and the apartments have not been sold.

"These are just a few of the episodes that the auditors found during the audit of the use of budget funds allocated for the reconstruction. There were more than 100 cases of failure to restore the housing of residents of the Gostomel community," Basalaeva said.

Antonina Tumanova



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