
The Air Force reported the takeoff of another Russian MiG-31K and the re-launch of the "Dagger"

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Another Russian MiG-31K has taken to the air. Probably, the "Dagger" was re-launched

The Air Force reported the takeoff of another Russian MiG-31K. It is also known that the Kinzhal missile was launched again, UNN reports.

"Another MiG-31K was recorded taking off from the Savasleyka airfield in the Nizhny Novgorod region. A re-launch of the X-47M2 Kinzhal aeroballistic missile is possible," the Air Force said.

Later, the Air Force added that "preliminary, a re-launch of the X-47M2 Kinzhal aeroballistic missile was carried out.

"A dagger for Kyiv!" the Air Force added.

Загроза нового масованого удару рф по Україні: у Повітряних силах фіксують ракети у низці областей України02.01.24, 06:45

Antonina Tumanova



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