
Frosty and windy weather is expected in Ukraine today

 • 19453 переглядiв

Ukraine is experiencing frosty weather with snow in the north and ice on the roads, as well as strong winds in the west and in the Carpathians. Temperatures range from -15°C at night in the east to 5°C during the day in the south

Frosty and sometimes windy weather is expected in Ukraine today, with snow in the north and ice on the roads, the Ukrainian Weather Center told UNN.


According to forecasters, on November 23, at night in the southeastern and the northern part of the country light snow and sleet, in the rest of the country the rest of the country without precipitation.

In Ukraine, except for Zakarpattia, Prykarpattia and the south of the country, there is icy conditions on the roads.

Southwest wind, 5-10 m / s, during the day in the western and northern regions gusts of 15-20 m / s, in the Carpathians 25 m/s.

Temperature in the eastern regions at night 10-15° below zero, during the day 2-7° below zero, in the rest of the country at night 4-9° below zero, during the day from 2° below zero to 3° above zero; in the south of the country and Transcarpathia at night 0-5° below zero. below zero at night and 0-5° above zero during the day.  

Weather in the capital region

In Kyiv region, no precipitation tonight, light sleet during the day. There is ice on the roads. The temperature at night will be 6-8° below zero, during the day around 0°.

Julia Shramko



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