
Russia's missile attack on Chernihiv killed 10 people: Zelensky shows the consequences

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A Russian missile strike on Chernihiv, Ukraine, killed 10 people, injured 20, and left people trapped in the rubble.

The Russian missile attack on Chernihiv killed 10 people, wounded 20, and left people still under the rubble, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said on Wednesday, showing photos of the aftermath, UNN reports.

Chernihiv. Rescue operation continues after a Russian missile strike. People are under the rubble. As of this time, 20 people have been reported injured and 10 killed. My condolences to the families and friends

- Zelensky wrote on social media.

The President indicated that, unfortunately, the death toll may still rise. "This would not have happened if Ukraine had received a sufficient number of air defense systems and if the world's determination to counter Russian terror had been sufficient," he emphasized.

"Terrorists can only destroy lives if they first intimidate those who can stop terror and save lives. Determination matters. Support matters. The Ukrainian determination is sufficient. There must be equally sufficient determination from our partners and, as a result, sufficient support," the President emphasized.

Chernihiv partially cut off communications, including electricity and gas after Russian strike - acting mayor4/17/24, 10:48 AM

Julia Shramko



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