
russians mine the harbor near novorossiysk port due to fear of maritime drones - ATES

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russians mine the entrance to the harbor near the novorossiysk seaport to protect their Black Sea Fleet ships from Ukrainian drones, fearing their complete destruction.

To protect their Black Sea Fleet ships, which are now based in novorossiysk, russians are mining the entrance to the harbor near the novorossiysk seaport. This is reported by the ATES movement, UNN reports.


It is reported that guerrillas from the ATES movement have discovered four large landing craft on the traverse of Mount Koldun near Cape Mishako. It is noted that the ships are mining the entrance to the harbor with small anchor-type mines. Coordinates: 44.656521, 37.796644.

Out of fear of the complete destruction of the Black Sea fleet by Ukrainian naval drones, the russians have already reached the fortifications of the novorossiysk seaport. Of course, it is unlikely that this will help them

- the statement said.


In early July, unmanned boats attacked the russian city of novorossiysk, forcing authorities to restrict traffic near the waterfront and urge residents to stay away from windows facing the sea.

"На все свій час": Юсов про удари по Кримському мосту, москві та порту в новоросійську23.05.24, 10:50

Anastasia Ryabokon



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