
Russians launch two more bombs on the Belgorod region: people from a neighboring village are evacuated

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Two more bombs were dropped by Russian planes in the Belgorod region, forcing the evacuation of residents of a neighboring village.

Russian planes drop 2 more bombs on the Belgorod region. Residents of an unnamed village were evacuated. This was reported by ASTRA, citing its sources, UNN reports. 


Reportedly, the FAB-250 was discovered near the village of unnamed in the morning of March 28. More than 140 villagers were evacuated. By the evening, the bomb was removed and destroyed. 

On the same day, FAB-500 was found in the village of Nechaivka. The munition is scheduled to be destroyed today. Local residents were not evacuated.

Over the past week, according to ASTRA , 11 aircraft have already been reported down in the region. 

29.03.24, 04:16 • [views_0]

Tatiana Kraevskaya

News of the World