
Russians in TOT created a database of "disloyal residents" - The Resistance Center

 • 23571 переглядiв

Russians in the temporarily occupied territories have created a database that tracks more than 100,000 "disloyal" Ukrainian residents. In the future, the occupiers will have access to it at checkpoints.

Russian invaders have created a database of residents of the temporarily occupied territories who are suspected of disloyalty. This was reported by the Center for National Resistance, UNN reports .


It is noted that the database is filled with GRU and FSB officers, with the support of local occupation administrations. Currently it has more than 100 thousand residents. In the future, the occupiers will have access to it at checkpoints.

In fact, the Russian Federation is turning the seized lands into an open-air prison, where it is a crime to be a Ukrainian. This is a deliberate policy of the Kremlin, which is trying to destroy us on our native land,

- the statement said.


As UNN previously wrote , according to available information, the Russian occupiers have set a goal to integrate the temporarily occupied territories of the south and east of Ukraine as much as possible by the end of 2023 to maximize the integration of the temporarily occupied territories of the south and east of Ukraine into the unified system of the political and legal field of the Russian Federation.

Окупанти не можуть укомплектувати свої фейкові відділення ДСНС - Центр спротиву28.12.23, 13:12

Olga Rozgon



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