
Russians in the occupied territories have abducted about 300 people since the beginning of the year-CNS

 • 23625 переглядiв

Since the beginning of the year, Russians have stolen about 300 people in the occupied territories of Ukraine, detaining local residents on charges of disloyalty without notifying relatives or providing legal assistance.

Russians continue to kidnap people in the temporarily occupied territories. Since the beginning of the year, about 300 cases of "detentions" of Ukrainians have been recorded. This is reported by UNN with reference to the Center for National Resistance.

Since the beginning of the year, about three hundred detentions of local residents have been recorded in the territories of Ukraine captured by Russia. In fact, we are talking about a real abduction,

- the message says.


It is noted that people are detained on denunciations of disloyalty, and do not inform relatives of the reasons for the delay and where the detainees are being held. The Resistance notes that no legal assistance is provided to hostages.


In order to Force residents of the temporarily occupied territories to receive Russian passports, the fascists began to threaten that all Ukrainians without a Russian document would be considered foreigners from July 1.

Olga Rozgon



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